Real-times Updates Demo
A simple Nuxt + Typescript + Tailwind project to demonstrate real-time capabilities of DatoCMS
It's also a HomeKit hub, of course.
This is Samsung's Galaxy Home Mini, which hasn't really shipped widely.
"Siri knows over 20 times more facts," we are told. Which is always such an odd way to think about the number of possible facts!
$99 is still a lot when Amazon will literally fill your entire house with Echo Dots just for silently mouthing the word "Alexa."
You can say "what's my update" and get an agenda for your day, including calendar, weather, and reminders.
Apple keeps saying HomePod works with CarPlay in various ways, but... CarPlay is just a way to mirror your iPhone screen? This is conceptually strange.
Having iOS switch off 5G and only switch back "when it matters" certainly suggests that 5G does not always matter!
Shoutout to "multiple timers and alarms." Lol tell that to the Apple Watch!