Real-times Updates Demo
A simple Nuxt + Typescript + Tailwind project to demonstrate real-time capabilities of DatoCMS
Having iOS switch off 5G and only switch back "when it matters" certainly suggests that 5G does not always matter!
Shoutout to "multiple timers and alarms." Lol tell that to the Apple Watch!
(I love that about Apple, to be clear.)
It is small. Okay, the camera pans to a tiny little diorama?
This music would have been real trippy in Atmos, is all I'm saying.
Finally, low latency. There's a tease about some kind of big gaming announcement later (???)
It's blue and it has flat sides, just like the rumors. There's also red and a yellow color. Lots of colors!
You hold up the iPhone to the speaker, and they interact with each other.
"Later this year, you'll get a new handoff experience" for iPhone users. Uses U1 chip.